孙 建1,康宗华1*,郭 焘1,匡凤姣1,李明丹2,周雨洁1
摘要:以副产物槟榔芯为原料,系统考察了不同溶剂对生物碱类物质的提取效果,并研究了超临界CO2提取物对睡眠干扰小鼠体力疲劳模型的影响。结果表明,经碱水、75%乙醇、乙酸乙酯、二氯甲烷和超临界CO2五种溶剂提取得到的提取物中四种主要生物碱含量依次升高,均以槟榔碱为主要成分,其中超临界CO2提取物中槟榔碱含量达到248.30 mg/g。由超临界CO2提取物制备的供试样品中、高剂量组小鼠负重游泳时间显著增加(P<0.05);供试样品高剂量组血清尿素含量极显著降低(P<0.01);供试样品高剂量组动物游泳后血乳酸以及血乳酸曲线下面积均极显著降低(P<0.01),供试样品中剂量组动物游泳后血乳酸极显著降低(P<0.01)、血乳酸曲线下面积显著降低(P<0.05)。超临界CO2槟榔芯生物碱提取物具有缓解睡眠干扰小鼠体力疲劳的作用,为副产物槟榔芯的开发和应用提供新的思路。
中图分类号:TS209 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2025)01-0049-0007
Extraction of Alkaloids from Betel Nut Cores and Their Effects on a Sleep-disturbed Mice Model of Physical Fatigue
SUN Jian1,KANG Zonghua1*,GUO Tao1,KUANG Fengjiao1,LI Mingdan2,ZHOU Yujie1
(1.Hunan Kouweiwang Group Co.,Ltd.,Yiyang 413000,China;2.Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Pharmacodynamics and Safety Evaluation of New Drugs,Changsha 410300,China)
Abstract: Using the by-product betel nut core as raw material, the extraction effects of different solvents on alkaloids from betel nut core were systematically investigated, and the effects of supercritical CO2 extract on the physical fatigue model of sleep-disturbed mice were studied. Results showed that the four major alkaloids obtained by five solvents, namely alkaline water,75% ethanol aqueous solution, ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, and supercritical CO2, their contents increased gradually in order. Arecoline was the mainly betel nut alkaloids, and arecoline content in the supercritical CO2 extract reached 248.30 mg/g. The weight-bearing swimming time of mice in the middle and high-dose groups of the test samples prepared by supercritical CO2 extraction was significantly increased (P<0.05); the serum urea content in the high-dose group was significantly decreased (P<0.01);the blood lactic acid as well as the area under the curve of the blood lactic acid in the high-dose group after swimming was significantly decreased (P<0.01), while the medium-dose group of animals in the test sample showed a significant decrease in blood lactic acid after swimming (P<0.01) and a significant decrease in the area under the blood lactic acid curve (P<0.05) . These results indicated that the alkaloid extracted by supercritical CO2 from betel nut core has the effect of relieving physical fatigue in sleep-disturbed mice, which provides a new idea for the development and application of the by-product betel nut core.
Keywords:betel nut core;alkaloid;extraction;content determination;anti-fatigue